Summer Is Coming
Thank you so much to everyone who showed to our first-ever Open House at GRP HQ on May 21st! We had a blast, watched as a pre-camp camper band formed in one of our practice spaces & very nearly gave away all 150 cupcakes to the crowd on the first sunny day in what felt like a while. Now is the time we start collecting donations & loans for camp! Food, art supplies, you name it, but especially gear.
Girls Rock Philly’s equipment wish list includes:
- A portable PA system
- Amps of all kinds
- Drum kits (and various replacement parts)
- Keyboards
- Guitars & basses
- Short-scale instruments
- Lefty guitars & basses
- DJ equipment, including mixers, turntables, cables, etc.
- Microphones, mic stands & cables
- Guitar & bass strings
- Old records for DJ practice
- Guitar straps
- Drum heads, drumsticks & drum cases
If you've got any, contact gear coordinator Tara or visit our official gear dropoff point: DiPinto Guitars at 407-409 E. Girard Avenue in Philadelphia. Thank you & see you in August!