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Advocacy for Social Justice Work in GRP’s Local Ecosystem

Girls Rock Philly’s work does not exist in a vacuum. We know that our practice towards building liberatory futures must be informed by - and done in solidarity with - the movement organizers in our city.

Design by Kah Yangni

+Actions and Initiatives

Beyond the Black and white binary

  • Work to uplift (and other resources) in response to Atlanta and the continued violence against gender minorities of Asian descent

Artists Against Abernathy

  • Demanding a strategic re-evaluation of the hiring process for Philadelphia's next Managing Director.

Penn for PILOTS

  • Penn faculty and staff who believe our institution should make payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) to an Educational Equity Fund governed by the school district and city of Philadelphia.__Penn is the seventh wealthiest university in the country. Philadelphia, meanwhile, has the highest poverty rate of the ten largest cities in the United States.

Artist Coalition for a Just Philadelphia & the Emergency Art Action to Fund Black Futures

Police Free Penn: An Abolitionist Assembly


+Resource Guides

Black Trans Lives Matter Resource Guide

Support Philly Uprisings: Philly Resource Guide

  • Resource overview created by members of the Black trans & queer community on the ground in Philly.*

Police Abolition & Defunding Police: Resources for Philly Arts, Culture & Education Organizations

Links for Justice: Petitions, Email Templates and Actions for Black Lives

Abolitionist Law Center

  • A public interest law firm inspired by the struggle of political and politicized prisoners, and organized for the purpose of abolishing class and race based mass incarceration in the United States.

+Open Letters

Alliance for A Just Philadelphia: The People’s Platform for a Just Philadelphia

  • Including Art is Essential Platform.

PHL Artist For Black Lives

  • An open letter to Mayor Kenney and City Council denouncing racist police conduct and demanding immediate divestment from the police.

Housing is a Human Right

  • Open Letter Supporting the Residents of Camp James Talib Dean and Camp Teddy

Our Love Letter to Philly Students

  • From Black Philly Women & Trans Educators

Design by Kah Yangni

Design by Kah Yangni