To help GRP pick a new name, as well as celebrate its past and dream about its future, this year will be all about transitions. This year, we imagine personal transitions, organizational transitions, and liberatory transitions for GRP, and we are very excited about all of the possibilities that these transitions can bring.
We are so excited to be your Facilitators (aka Transition Doulas) for the process: V Varun Chaudhry, Sam Chenkin, and TJ Jourian (you can learn more about us and our plans for the process, here;
Over the course of this year, from initial conversations with the community through Summer Camp 2021, we will be working to facilitate a name change and strategic plan process that allows space for all of the complexities that transitions entail.
On Wed, April 14th: Our Facilitators (also lovingly known as our Transition Doulas) will provide an overview of how they envision the process, and answer any initial questions that you may have about the name change and strategic planning process. This is open to all people who are invested in the future of GRP!